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Collage of manuscripts for How to Read Sacred Texts course.

How to Read Sacred Texts

Making sense of yoga’s ancient wisdom texts can be a challenge. Cultural differences, unfamiliar philosophical concepts, and competing philosophical interpretations can perplex even the most committed reader. But for those who persevere, the rewards are immense: these texts offer timeless insights into the human condition and provide practical guidance that can help us navigate modern challenges, deepen our self-awareness, and cultivate inner peace and contentment.
  • Practical tips for engaging with yoga wisdom texts
  • Techniques for navigating the literal and metaphorical layers of sacred texts
  • Strategies for avoiding common pitfalls, such as cherry-picking verses
  • How to cross the bridge from hypothetical understanding to personal realization
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Learning Pathways are a members-only offering with select Pathways available for one-time purchase for 75% OFF the original course prices (see below). Pathways outline curriculum around a central theme or concept and include courses, seminar talks, podcast interviews, articles, and a bibliography for future reading.