In this article, I will focus on the lengthy, convoluted, and symbolically weighty version of the Jaya, Vijaya, and Narasimha story that one can find in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, which I will henceforth refer to as the Śrīmad Bhāgavatam.
Sri Aurobindo was a modern Indian yogi who founded the form of yoga known as Integral Yoga.
Abhinavagupta is an enigmatic figure, not because he tells us so little about himself, but because he tells us so much.
Indian traditions can be categorized by the degree to which they proffer a world-denying (via negativa) or a world-affirming (via positiva) perspective. Both world-deniers and world-affirmers see everyday attitudes toward the world as, in important ways, illusory; it is thus their respective responses to the world’s illusions that distinguishes them.
The Sanskrit word krishna has two meanings. It means the dark one. It also has another root and that is “karsha” which means to entice or enchant.
Oneika is an activist, yoga and meditation teacher.
As the sun continues along its southern course dakṣināyaṇa and the days get shorter approaching the Winter Solstice, those of us living in the northern hemisphere find ourselves enveloped in increasing darkness.
Here we encounter a vision of Lakṣmī—the central mistress of this “festival of light”—that raises surprising contradictions and cause us to rethink the real significance of Hinduism’s most important celebration.