5-Day Chakras Challenge
Register now… LIVE July 17 - July 21, 2023 - Everyday at 7am PT / 10am ET (Convert your time...
Yoga and Social Justice
Register now… LIVE August 8, 15, 22, 29 @ 7:00-9:00pm ET. Convert your time here. If you can’t attend this...
3-Day Ayurveda Challenge: Build a Conscious Diet
Register now… LIVE Sessions September 9-11, 2:00-3:30pm ET (Convert your time here.) If you can’t attend this event live, all...
FREE Masterclass: Voyage to Vagus
Register now… LIVE Sessions September 26, 7:30pm ET (Convert your time here.) If you can’t attend this event live, all...
Visionary Experience: Exploring the Intersection of Buddhism and Shamanism
Register now… Pre-Workshop Lecture and Meditations Available Now On Demand | LIVE Workshop October 21, 11am-5pm ET (Convert your time...
Embodied Yoga Therapy Certificate Program
Learn more or register now… Embodied Yoga Therapy Certificate Program PROGRAM OVERVIEW Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, deep...
FREE Meditation Resolution: Five Days, Five Tattvas
Register now for free… Join us LIVE January 1-5, 2024. Wisdom School Members are automatically enrolled and will receive access...
The Matsyendrasaṃhītā: A 30-Day Chakra Sādhanā
Join us LIVE starting May 28, 2024. Wisdom School Members are automatically enrolled and will receive access information via email. Not...
Śiva Sūtras: Opening to Absolute Consciousness
Join us LIVE for this 4-Module Course Starting August 6, 2024. Wisdom School Members are automatically enrolled and will receive...
Future of the Yoga Teacher 2024
By the end of this one-day summit, you will have actionable solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing yoga teachers today.
Saṃskāras, Spiritual Technology & Sādhana School
In this Talk and Q&A session, we’ll explore the concept of "saṃskāras" and how the various spiritual technologies found in the yoga tradition help to transform the trajectory of our lives by changing these habituated modes of experience.
Body of Sādhana – Half-Day Immersion
In this Talk and Q&A session, we’ll explore the concept of "saṃskāras" and how the various spiritual technologies found in the yoga tradition help to transform the trajectory of our lives by changing these habituated modes of experience.