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Kerry Porter
I am interested in how the techniques of Yoga practice illuminate our patterns of thought, breath, and posture. I emphasize the importance of cultivating sensory awareness, functional movement, and clear thinking about practice. Yoga is a path toward integration. I have done most of my studies via mentors. My principal teacher is Antonin Nenov whose approach could be described as 'energetic' with an emphasis on understanding Yoga Sutras. As I began teaching more and more to individuals in private and semi-private formats, which happened largely as a result Tony's influence, it became apparent that I needed to study the work of yoga therapists. I am now mentoring with Jaime Ortega, who teaches out of NYC. There is no singular word for the tradition that comes down to us from Sri Krishnamacharya thru his long-time students AG Mohan, TKV Desikachar, and Ramaswami Srivatsa, but some useful ones are: Vinyasa Krama, Viniyoga, and Breath Centered Yoga.