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Julie K. Staples Ph.D.
Daniel Mintie
, LCSW is an integrative clinician, teacher and writer with 29 years experience healing PTSD. ÊHe is in private practice in Taos, New Mexico, USA and available for consultation globally via the world wide web. His 2018 book
Reclaiming Life After Trauma
presents an integrative, fast-acting and drug-free approach to healing PTSD. His new book
Dharma Wheels: Zen, Motorcycling and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
is forthcoming in April 2019. Mr. Mintie leads retreats and workshops throughout the world and teaches integrative medicine at universities and training centers worldwide.↵↵
Julie K. Staples
, Ph.D is the Research Director at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine and a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher. She has conducted research in mind-body medicine for traumatized populations worldwide for over 20 years. She has led studies in Kosovo, Gaza, Israel, Haiti, Iraq and Jordon with traumatized civilian adults, teenagers, and children. She has also conducted research with the military population at the Southeast Louisiana Veterans Healthcare System.↵↵Dr. Staples is also Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University. She teaches online courses for yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and health professionals around the world on the science of yoga.↵↵She is the author of the yoga chapter in the medical school textbook
Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
. Her self-help book
Reclaiming Life after Trauma
teaches Kundalini yoga and cognitive behavioral therapy tools to heal trauma symptoms. She currently runs Integrative Trauma Recovery Program workshops and intensive retreats.